How to Create a Simple CRUD App With Rails and Vue
This tutorial was inspired by James Hibbard’s post but instead of using React, I will use Vue. This is not meant to compare React and Vue nor to conclude which one is better though I find Vue more approachable. This is just my second time to use Vue so please don’t look at me as an expert. This is also a learning experience for me and I hope you learn something, too :)
While most of the content are based on James' post, I decided to treat Rails and Vue as two separate applications. The Rails application is API-only that serves JSON, i.e. you will not see any mention of Vue included in the codebase. On the other hand, the Vue application is also a pure web client and does everything via API calls. I will also use Vuex to centrally managed the API calls and the state used by the Vue components.
In this post, I decided not to do a typical tutorial where you go about building the application from start to finish. Instead, I will just highlight the major code changes.
The tutorial was developed using the following:
- Ruby 2.6.1
- Rails 5.2.2
- Npm 5.6.0 (See installation guide)
- Vue 2.6.8 (See installation guide)
The code is available at
Quick Guide
# Get the code
git checkout
cd rails-vue-tutorial
# Run Rails app
# To view JSON localhost:3000/events
cd rails-api
bundle install
rails db:setup
rails db:seed
rails s
# Run Vue app
# To view app localhost:8080/events
cd vue-ui
npm install
npm run serve
# Or using foreman to run the 2 apps
foreman start -f
Start here:
The project is composed of 2 applications - a Rails application that returns events
in JSON and a Vue application that handles UI interaction.
The applications are in their respective directories.
API Endpoints
GET /events # list of events
POST /events # create a new event
PUT /events/:id # update an event
DELETE /events/:id # delete an event
Each event
has the following structure:
"id": 1,
"event_type": "Symposium",
"event_date": "2018-05-01",
"title": "A Social-Neuroscience Perspective on Empathy",
"speaker": "Albert von Bezold, Jules Cotard, Marian Diamond",
"host": "Alcmaeon of Croton",
"published": true,
"created_at": "2019-04-13T22:41:55.867Z",
"updated_at": "2019-04-13T22:41:55.867Z"
Rails Components
The EventsController
is a typical Rails controller that returns
a JSON using Jbuilder. However, I
would love to share a pattern that I often use with my Rails
class EventsController < ApplicationController
def index
def create
# more code follows
def update
# more code follows
def destroy
# more code follows
def event_scope
def load_events
@events = event_scope.order(event_date: :DESC)
def load_event
@event ||= event_scope.find(params[:id])
def build_event
@event ||=
@event.attributes = event_params
def event_params
@event_params = params[:event]
@event_params ? @event_params.permit(permitted_params) : {}
def permitted_params
Did you notice it?
I like separating the actions into disctinct methods even though it
often just results to one-liners. However, this clean separation
makes the controller easier to understand and evolve. For example,
may eventually evolve to scope with current_user
Our Rail application is boring but I love it that way. It is all Ruby and there is no Javascript framework to worry about
Since we have built an API on top of Rails, we need to tell our Rails
application that requests would come from a diferent source. Otherwise,
our Vue application will just receive errors every time it calls the API.
If you’re planning on serving your Vue application other than from
, update the origins
parameter and restart your Rails application.
# config/initializers/cors.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
allow do
origins /localhost:*/
resource '*',
headers: :any,
methods: [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete, :options, :head],
credentials: true
Here is good introduction about CORS in the context of Rails if you like to dig deeper.
Vue Components
Components are building blocks of a Vue-based application. You might represent the page header as a component, or the sidebar, the list of events, or even just the event itself. A single page can also be a component composed of several components, and so on.
Components under src/views
, by convention, maps to URLs and
represent the top-level page. The mapping is listed in src/router.js
- User action is captured by a Vue component.
- Vue component calls a Vuex action that calls an API (via axios library).
- Rails handles the API and returns a JSON response.
- Vuex mutates a state based on the response.
- The Vue component updates the page based on the state changes.
In this sequence, the Vue component has no idea about the API calls - it simply calls a Vuex action. The Vuex action has no idea about about the Vue component - it only cares about the API request/response and the state to be modified. The Vue component reacts to changes to the state.
Vuex and State Management
When building an application, you often how to deal with these three things:
- state - the source of truth
- view (or views) - mapping the state for the components
- actions - ways the state could change
In our sample application, the state is the list of events, the view is the component the displays each event, and the actions are loading the events via the API, adding new event, etc.
The beauty of Vuex (and other state management libraries like Redux) is it enables a clean separation between state, views, and actions and at the same, they work together in a harmonious way. It was an aha! moment when I finally I understood what it does.
Listing Events
Let’s see how the Vue pieces fit together in the context of listing events.
First, initialize list of events.
// src/main.js#9
const store = initStore({
[states.EVENTS]: []
Visiting the URL /events
loads the EventsView component.
The mapping is specified using the Vue Router.
// src/router.js#11
path: "/events",
name: "events",
component: EventsView
After the component is loaded, invoke the action GET_EVENTS
// src/views/EventsView.vue#63
created() {
action is just another method that calls
the API to fetch the list of events.
The state is then mutated with the response data.
// src/store/actions/index.js#6
[actions.GET_EVENTS]({ state, commit }) {
return api
.then(response => {
// src/api.js#12
getEvents() {
return axios.get("/events");
The list events from the API call is then saved. Or, using the right technical term, the state is mutated.
// src/store/mutations/index.js#8
[mutations.SET_EVENTS](state, events) {
state[states.EVENTS] = events;
The component EventsView
listens to any changes to the list of
events. It then passes the list to another component EventList
// src/views/EventsView.vue#12
<EventList :events="events"/>
The EventList
component takes care of actually displaying the events.
// src/components/EventList.vue
<div v-for="event in events" :key="">
Adding and Updating Events
Of course, our application will be useless if it can only list events. So, let’s include a way to add events to our application.
First, add an event handler when a link (or button) is clicked.
// src/views/EventsView.vue#7
<a @click="newEvent">New Event</a>
// src/views/EventsView.vue#90
newEvent() {
this.$router.push({ name: "newEvent" });
The newEvent()
method pushes the path /events/new
via the Vue router
which we used to determine when to show the EventForm
// src/views/EventsView.vue#19
<div v-if="showEvent">
<Event :event="event"/>
<div v-else-if="showEventForm">
<EventForm :event="event"/>
The conditionals are just methods that checks the current path.
// src/views/EventsView.vue#73
showEvent() {
return (this.$ == "event") && (this.event !== null);
showEventForm() {
return (this.$ == "newEvent") && (this.event !== null);
The EventForm
component receives the event selected from the EventsList
component. In Vue, passing an object from a parent component to a child
component is done via props.
// src/components/EventForm.vue#99
props: {
event: {
type: Object,
required: true
The EventForm
component handles the saving of events whether it is part
of adding a new event or updating an existing one sequence. The component also
follows the state-view-actions pattern. First, we create a handler
when the form is submitted.
// src/components/EventForm.vue#6
<form v-on:submit.prevent="saveEvent()" className="eventForm">
// src/components/EventForm.vue#109
saveEvent() {
.then(() => {
this.$emit("eventSelected", this.aEvent);
action is just a method that accepts an event object
and takes care of calling the API.
// src/store/actions/index.js#13
[actions.SAVE_EVENT]({ state, commit }, event) {
if ( {
return api
.then(response => {
} else {
return api
.then(response => {
After receiving the response from the API, the list of events is updated.
// src/store/mutations/index.js#8
[mutations.SET_EVENT](state, event) {
const i = state[states.EVENTS].findIndex(e => ==;
if (i >= 0) {
// DOM will not be updated if you modify via index.
state[states.EVENTS].splice(i, 1, event);
} else {
Since the EventList
component is watching the events list object, it
automatically updates the list when an event is added or updated.
Deleting an event
There is nothing special with deleting an event - it just follows the state-view-action pattern like the other scenarios.
// src/views/EventsView.vue#98
deleteEvent(event) {
.then(() => {
this.$router.push({ name: "events" });
// src/store/actions/index.js#28
[actions.DELETE_EVENT]({ state, commit }, event) {
if ( {
return api
.then(response => {
commit(mutations.DELETE_EVENT, event);
// src/store/mutations/index.js#18
[mutations.DELETE_EVENT](state, event) {
const i = state[states.EVENTS].findIndex(e => ==;
if (i >= 0) {
state[states.EVENTS].splice(i, 1);
I was curious how to test Vue applications so I added a simple
unit test using Jest. If you like to use a different framework,
the vue-cli
create command will allow you to choose one.
To help in our testing, we use a factory method to prepare the component to be tested.
// tests/unit/Event.spec.js
import { shallowMount } from "@vue/test-utils";
import Event from "@/components/Event";
const factory = (values = {}) => {
return shallowMount(Event, {
propsData: {
event: { ...values }
shallowMount loads a component and stubs the child components
which is perfect for unit testing. It also allows you to set
the data
or props
attributes of the component, for example:
describe("Event", () => {
it("renders the event details", () => {
const wrapper = factory({
title: "event title",
event_type: "symposium"
expect(wrapper.find(".test-event-type").text()).toEqual("Type: symposium");
expect(wrapper.find(".test-title").text()).toEqual("Title: event title");
To run the tests:
npm run test:unit
Just follow the Vue testing guide if you want to dive deeper into Vue testing.
At this point, I hope you have a good idea how the different parts of Vue works together. Like I said in the beginning, I’m not an expert in Vue nor have I extensive experience on other Javascript frameworks like React. Though personally, I find Vue more approachable and I will definitely use this in my personal projects.
If you are new to Vue (like I am), I highly recommend you read their list of beginner gotchas. I guarantee you in will save you lots of frustrations :)
If you are interested in comparing Vue with other frameworks, the article by Yogev Ahuvia is a good read.